The Bode Lab
The Bode Lab

In the News

October 9, 2024  -  The Guardian

by Sarah Sloat

"Breast milk for adults: wellness elixir or unscientific fascination"


May 24, 2023  -  The Pediatrician Next Door

by Wendy Hunter MD

"The Surprising Health Benefits of Human Milk"

(Apple Podcast) - (Spotify)


March 3, 2023  -  NutraIngredients

by Nikki Hancocks

"New Discoveries and opportunities in HMO supplementation"

Interview at Probiota 2023, Barcelona Spain

September 27, 2022  -  UC San Diego Magazine

by Michelle Brubaker

"Human Milk, Pregnancy, and COVID-19"

(page 12-13)

November 18, 2021  -  thisweek@ucsandiego

by Nicole Mlynaryk

"Pregnant, Breastfeeding or Trying? Here's What COVID-19 Means for You"

November 15, 2021  -  Chemistry World

by Nina Notman

"The Science of Breast Milk and Baby Formula"

February  11, 2021  -  thisweek@ucsandiego

by Lars Bode and others

"Breastfeeding Research Improves Lives and Advances Health, But Faces Conflicts"

January  21, 2021  -  KUSI TV

by Ginger Jeffries

"San Diego Researchers Looking into Effects of Vaccine from Breast Milk"

October  15, 2020  -  Future Human

by Emily Mullin

"The Race to Recreate Breast Milk Without the Breast"

September 25, 2020  -  ABC10News

by Jared Aarons

"UC San Diego study finds coronavirus is not transmitted through breast milk"

August 31, 2020  -  NEJM Journal Watch

by Eleanor Bimla Schwarz

"The Benefits of Breast-Feeding Persist Despite COVID-19"

August 21, 2020  -  The New York Times

by Reuters

"Remdesivir Disappoints in COVID-19 Study; Breast Milk Transmission Unlikely"

May 29, 2020  -  abc News

by Meredith Deliso

"New moms face challenge of breastfeeding during coronavirus"

April 8, 2020  -  VICE

by Emma Ockerman

"Breast Milk Could Hold Clues to Coronavirus Protection."

April 6, 2020  -  The New York Times

by Christina Caron

"Should You Breastfeed if You Have the Coronavirus"

April 2, 2020  -  Ranch & Coast


"Donors Support UC San Diego COVID-19 Efforts"

March 26, 2020  -  NutritionInsight

by Katherine Durrell

"Collaboration to investigate breast milk for COVID-19 protection"

February 18, 2020  -  UC San Diego Health Newsroom

by Michelle Brubaker

"Study: Difference in Breast Milk Concentrations Impacts Growth Up to Age 5"


February 12, 2020  -  Children's Hospital Los Angeles Newsroom


"Component of Human Breast Milk Enhances Cognitive Development in Babies"

January 27, 2020  -  San Diego County Medical Society

by Nina C. Iwanaga

"Promoting Mothers' Milk - The important role all physicians can play to improve infant and maternal health"

January 16, 2020  -  thisweek@ucsandiego

by Michelle Brubaker

"Jumbo Undertaking: Elephant Milk Under the Microscope"

October 31, 2019  -  Wall Street Journal

by Nicole Wetsman

"The 'Arms Race' to Build a Better Infant Formula"

October 16, 2019  -  knowable Magazine

by Alice Callahan

"The quest for better baby formula"

October 14, 2019  -  Washington Post

by Ben Guarino

"Mucus contains powerful sugars that tame germs"

October 4, 2019  -  San Diego Magazine

by Josh Baxt

"What's New For Human Breast Milk?"

April 5, 2019  -  KSAT12


"Breast Milk to Treat Adult Diseases?"

November 27, 2018  -  UC San Diego Health

by Scott LaFee and Dipali Pathak

"Complex Sugars and Microbiome in Mother's Milk Influence Neonatal Rotavirus Infection"

October 2, 2018  -  UC San Diego Health

by Michelle Brubaker

"Study Finds Human Milk Components in Amniotic Fluid"

June 13, 2018  -  UC San Diego Health

by Scott LaFee

"Composition of Complex Sugars in Breast Milk May Prevent Future Food Allergies"

January 29, 2018  -  The Civilize Podcast

by Jennifer Grayson

"The Milk Moonshot"

August 2, 2017  -  Healthy Newborn Network

The New Wave of Breastfeeding Innovators

August 1, 2017  -  Splash! milk science update

Human Milk Oligosaccharides Can Directly Inhibit Streptococcus Growth

May 17, 2017  -  Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Paediatrics: Are human milk oligosaccharides the magic bullet for necrotizing enterocolitis?

May 9, 2017  -  Huffington Post Canada

How Breast Milk May Help Babies Fight Off A Deadly Infection

January 12, 2017  -  The San Diego Union-Tribune

"New institute aims to better understand why breast milk is beneficial"

June 21, 2016  -  UC San Diego Health, N Equals One

"What makes breast milk so special? Interview with "the Milk Man"

November 2, 2015  -  The Scientist

"Breast Milk and Obesity"

May 17, 2015  -  CBS New York

"Dr. Max Gomez: Breast Milk For Everyone"

May 14, 2015  -  19 Action News, Cleveland, Ohio

"Moms selling breast milk for health benefits"

August 21, 2014  -  Discoveries Magazine

“The Milk Man”


August 15, 2014  -  SCIENCE 

“Parenting: Nature's first functional food”

Trisha Gura

December 27, 2013  -  SCIENCE NEWS 

“Mother lode”

Jessica Shugart

October 1, 2013  -  NATURE REVIEWS UROLOGY

October 2, 2012  -  NATURE NEWS 

“Breast-milk molecule raises risk of HIV transmission”

Anna Petherick

August 28, 2012  -  THE NEW YORK TIMES 

“Factor in Breast Milk May Cut H.I.V. Spread”

Nicholas Bakalar

August 17, 2012  -  HEALTH 

“Breast-Milk Compound May Shield Babies From HIV”

Mary Elizabeth Dallas


“Breast Milk Ingredient May Guard Against HIV”

Roxanne Palmer

August 15, 2012  -  NORTH COUNTY TIMES

“HEALTH: Breast milk may stop HIV transmission, UCSD-led study suggests”

Bradley Fikes

July 20, 2012  -  INNOVATIONS REPORT

“Novel anti-malarial drug target identified”


“Die Milch macht’s”  [German]

Regine Warth

May 1, 2012  -  DISCOVER

“The Power of Milk”

April 15, 2012  -  DER STANDARD

“Widerstand beim Stillen tanken”  [German]

Kurt de Swaaf

January 10, 2012  -  NATURE REVIEWS

“Pediatrics: An oligosaccharide can prevent necrotizing enterocolitis in rats”

Claire Greenhill


“Feeding Your Gut Microbiome”

AUGUST 20, 2011  -  DEWEZET

“Schlecht in Bio - aber ein Ass in “Muttermilch”  [German]

Birte Hansen


“Mamas suesses Geheimnis”  [German]

Ulrike Gebhardt

Dedicated to Research on Human Milk Oligosaccharides

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