Career Development Seminars for PhD Postdoctoral Fellows
2nd Thursday of every month, 4:00-5:00 pm, SPPS
(Click Here for Schedule and Topics)
Invited speakers discuss career development topics that include research ethics, team science and collaborations, human subjects research, time management, writing and publishing your manuscript, identifying, applying for and negotiating a faculty position, successful grant writing and grant submission, effective presentation and communication skills.
Current Literature in Glycobiology (CMM 246/MED 246/BIOM246)
Every Friday, 12:00-1:00 pm
(Click Here for Presentation Schedule)
One credit elective that provides a weekly forum for discussing current literature in glycobiology research in a traditional journal club format. Topics include glycan chemistry, biochemistry, genetics, cell biology and molecular biology in animals, plants, and microbes as well as medical aspects of glycobiology. Typically, 20-30 students, post-docs, and faculty attend the meeting. Registration is done through the registrar's office. Because of limitations on the number of people that the room can accommodate, the sessions will be restricted to students who register for the class and those other individuals who are willing to take a turn in presenting a paper. All members of the Glycobiology Research and Training Center are welcome to present or participate.
Basic Research Tools for Neonatology Fellows
2nd Wednesday of every month, 2:00-3:00pm
(Click Here for Presentation Schedule)
Neonatology Fellows present basic research articles related to pediatrics in general or neonatology in particular. Each session will highlight a specific set of research methods and techniques, including but not limited to DNA, RNA and protein analysis, chromatography, tissue culture, animal models, microbiome analysis, etc.