The Bode Lab
The Bode Lab

Human Milk Research Biorepository

UC San Diego's Mommy's Milk is creating the foundation for current and future human milk research


and the Bode Lab helps with the planning and provides data on human milk oligosaccharide composition

Mommy’s Milk Human Milk Research Biorepository strives to understand the numerous benefits human milk offers at a molecular level, and use these findings to improve the health and development of all children.


Mommy’s Milk Human Milk Research Biorepository initiatives include two main efforts:

  • Establishing a clinical research database of human milk indexed samples for medial scientists to query and cull from for independent, IRB approved projects.
  • Further the understanding of the relationship between human breast milk and infant and child health and development.

Contact PI

Dr. Christina Chambers


Program Director and Professor

Department of Pediatrics

University of California, San Diego


first manuscript in preparation

Dedicated to Research on Human Milk Oligosaccharides

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